About this site

TPU - Thoughtful People United for Aotearoa - is an independent community launched in May 2024 by people concerned about the direction the country is headed politically and socially.
We are working towards an equitable society, which creates opportunity and dignity for its most disadvantaged, rather than our current inequitable society in which the poor get poorer for the benefit of those who already have more than their fair share.
Fresh content, delivered
We will be providing opinion pieces and links to credible references in the media and other press which celebrate and prioritise the people of Aotearoa - tangata whenua as well as more recent arrivals - and this precious land on which we depend. The interests of multinational corporations, landlords, and profits are a distant second priority.
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Join a community of other people of Aotearoa who share your values. Participate, too, in open, community-run, non-profit social media, like the Fediverse. Here're some options:
You can Join Mastodon - here in Aotearoa New Zealand, we have a growing number of on-shore Mastodon instances to choose from, like the Iridescent Mastodon, and the main open NZ instance