Coming soon

This is TPU - Thoughtful People United for Aotearoa - a brand new site by a community of concerned people here in Aotearoa (yes, we're all tax payers)...
We think that the status quo here in Aotearoa needs to be shifted substantially and that our current (as of 2023) government is an ethically depraved corporate kleptocracy, focused on the interested of those who already have the most... at the expense of everyone else and our beautiful land. Their primary goal is to reduce the quality of our Commons so that it can be purchased by the richest (here and abroad) and sold back to us, the people of Aotearoa.
By strip-mining our commonwealth, the current right-wing coalition are disrespecting our founding document, te Tiriti o Waitangi, acting in bad faith, and increasing inequity in our land. We reject them. They do not represent us.
Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!